Hovedforedragsholder er Wolfram Knauer fra Jazzinstitut Darmstadt med temaet “History or Histories? Why it is so difficult to draft a European jazz history?”
Om sitt foredrag sier han:
” If European jazz has developed an own identity in recent years and decades, it is an identity of diversity. Yet, diversity in European jazz is quite different from diversity as present in American culture. It is a diversity based on century-old cultural traditions, differences and cross dissemination. The word "glocalization" has been used to describe this specific idea of a regional dialect within a seemingly globalized musical idiom. I will ask about the implications of glocalization for the drafting of a European jazz history. The paper will also discuss how a European archival network could help with the drafting of such a European jazz history”.
Vertskap for konferansen, Center for Dansk Jazzhistorie ved Universitetet i Ålborg, huser bl.a. samlinger etter professor Erik Wiedemann (1930-2001) og plateprodusenten Karl Emil Knudsen (1929-2003). Senteret drives av kvartetten på bildet, fra v Ole Izard Höyer og Thomas A Jakobsen, begge vitenskapelige medarbeidere, Else Egeberg, bibliotekar og økonomiansvarlig, samt Tore Mortensen, lektor og virksomhetsleder.
Foto: Lars Westin